This blog is intended to be an interaction space with our clients and anyone who has landed in our site interested in our work or our vision of architecture.
We would like this place of thinking to become a space of exchange, from where ideas are generated but which also establishes a dialogue with our followers, who contribute with their own concerns, doubts and questions. A space that aims to bring our work closer to the visitor and becomes richer with the contributions of all those who want to take part of our project.
Besides keeping you updated on the latest activity of our architectural office, this blog aims to spread the vitality that provide us the privilege of living on the Mediterranean coast, a place that radiates energy with its intense blue light and feeds the roots their people plant on this earth.
Our team it’s focused on investigating the only possible way architecture can follow now and in the future: to provide the necessary means to achieve a society runned with less resources, but maintaining the same quality of life –a healthy strategy for managing the company given the current economical environment-; which is constructed with environmentally friendly materials, but fulfilling all the habitability requirements and above all, that is sustainable and allows the planet to follow its own way and offer future generations the same wealth that has been offered us.